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Sell with us!
How we work
Bring in your items anytime - no appointment necessary! We buy everyday, Monday through Saturday 10am-5:30pm. We are closed Sundays.
You can bring items on hangers or in bags/boxes - doesn't matter to us. You can bring as many items as you'd like. We are first come, first serve.
On the spot we will assess your items based on TREND (made in the last 1-2 years), BRAND (see our wish-list page) and WEAR. If we decide we can sell the items in our store we have three different payment options.
1. Cash - We pay cash upfront on your items. You will receive 30% in cash of what we can sell the items for.
2. Trade/Gift-Card - You can purchase something that day or come back with a gift-card. The value of the gift-card is 50% of what we can sell the items for.
3. Consignment - On higher end items we offer consignment. We have a 60 day consignment period. For the first 30 days items are sold at full price. If they haven't sold in 30 days we mark them down 20% to get them moving. If after a total of 60 days your items have not sold, we will return them to you. The value on consignment is typically 50%, however on some high-end designers we offer 60-70% back.

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